Hey LiveCaller community.
I like your product so much!
How can I open LiveCaller’s widget itself after 8 seconds?
I want my visitors to call and chat with me more proactively, so I think, opening widget automatically would help it.
Hey LiveCaller community.
I like your product so much!
How can I open LiveCaller’s widget itself after 8 seconds?
I want my visitors to call and chat with me more proactively, so I think, opening widget automatically would help it.
Hello, in the widget code after the
LiveCaller.config.merge({widget: {id: "your_widget_id"}, app: {locale: "en"}});
Insert this code:
if (!sessionStorage.getItem('lc_last_auto_open')) {
setTimeout(function () {
sessionStorage.setItem('lc_last_auto_open', new Date().toString())
}, 3000)
where 3000 is the number of milliseconds, for example if your want to open the widget on the website after 1 second make this number 1000