Is there an admin account?

I have created 3 users, but seems like all 3 users are treated like admin.

Any chance I could set my own account as the master account and the users as just users?

Also, when assigning/transferring a chat, can master admin have the option to transfer to another person or to themselves to handle the conversation? IT’s like once you transfer, only that one person can respond to it, but in case they are busy, master account should be able to jump in

Ditto for me too actually. I have been trying to work out how I distinguish myself from an agent and have not been able to do it as yet. + how do agents add their profile photo. Just now, my profile photo is the only one that appears for any / all chats?



  1. In the users roles and permissions you can create new roles and assign specific permissions. By default Admin and operator roles are created and you an change the role of the user by editing them from admin account
  2. currently picking up already answered chats is not possible, after a transfer the chat will be owned by a new agent and even master can’t pick up, but they can see the conversation from the inbox tab

Regards Giga

I ended up logging in as them ie with their user and password then created their profile picture (don’t believe there is a master login to edit their profile as admin). This will not show up in the users tab, but I believe it works in actual chat.